Many people think that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition of our time when we have become so used to moving our hands and fingers up and down a screen, a mouse, or a keyboard. But the fact of the matter is that carpal tunnel syndrome has been causing pain to humans since long before the invention of the mouse.
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?
What does carpal tunnel syndrome feel like?
While pain is the most common symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome, it is not the only one. This condition is sometimes also accompanied by a numb or tingling sensation in the palm. The feelings intensify during the night, and can also be felt in the fingers, forearms, and biceps. Sometimes, the pain will “climb” up your hands.
How common is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is not very common. In fact, it is estimated that only 3 to 4 percent of the population will experience it. Women are twice as likely as men to have the syndrome.
How is carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed?
Your doctor will ask you about the symptoms and check your palm: its motility, the focus of the pain, and more. It will also detect muscle weakness if any.
How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated? Can advanced technology help?
The good news is that sometimes carpal tunnel syndrome can be healed without any treatment or intervention.
However, after you have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, there are different therapies available to help with the pain, the most common one being a brace to limit the mobility if your wrist. Hot compresses can also help you ease the pain. Medical treatments include anti-inflammatory drugs, cortisone injections, or referral to physiotherapy.
It is also essential to adapt your working environment to ease the pressure off your wrist, like using an ergonomic keyboard and mouse.
Only in less common cases will a surgical intervention be required. This is quite effective, but it takes about a month and more to recover.
As a complementary treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, it is highly recommended to adopt advanced pain relief technologies using home appliances. “Olynvolt™ Pocket” which stands out for its user-friendliness and grip comfort. How can I prevent carpal tunnel syndrome in the future?
As mentioned, an ergonomic, customized work environment, along with joint strengthening exercises, may prevent the recurrence of the pain.